Wednesday, September 28, 2011

modern job hunting

 With social media becoming a major player in how people communicate and interact with each other, its natural that this industry needs a marketplace like this where people can lay the groundwork for social media jobs and be found.

here are some super cool links, a video, and a funny pic on social media job hunting:

  • Here at , they are  trying hard to help you succeed in the current economic state. they told me how to build the ultimate social media resume, sites to visit if you’ve been laid off, and the secrets to finding your next job using social media tools


    Monday, September 26, 2011

    homecoming dance!

    The homecoming dance was probably the best dance I've ever been two. the DJ was really good, they played great music all night long! a shout out to 2011 leadership team who did an awesome job decorating and making sure the dance was a success! all your hard work really paid off.

    global studies!


    Today in global studies i am writing an essay on south Africa! mostly about the discrimination that was going on there such as all the different kinds of banning and permits you needed to get from one point in south Africa to another. Also we are righting about what two leaders did for there people and nation ,Steven Biko, and Nelson Mandela and how they changed the nation of South Africa. wish me luck!

    Monday, September 19, 2011

    our homecoming blog!

    come check out hour homecoming blog! has  an awsome video lots of information and much more! two different perspectives, differetn times and different events!!

    Monday, September 12, 2011

    web 20 class sept. 12

    today in class  we read about our ths school blog. we will be working in groups of two about specific school topics and uploading them on the blog! i will be reporting on homecoming! from a girls perspective.more info coming soon.
    high school prom

    Saturday, September 10, 2011

    facebook groups in web 2.0

    today in web 2.0 class we learned why we use groups to secure conversations on faceboook. this means that instead of posting on my wall i can choose who veiws my conversations on different topics. check out this video,

    Thursday, September 8, 2011

    my digital tattoo

    A digital tattoo is your online identity. it is also a  digital representation in which u can express yourself. a digital tattoo is formed by others and myself. Another term for a digital tattoo is an online footprint.

    there are thousands of ways you can find your digital tattoo, the first being is just go on google and look up your full name ,city, and country. if no name pops up, then you can go to, is a website that digs deep in the  Internet world, and can find out phone numbers, addresses, old jobs, your occupation now, comments on a link you posted a year ago,and much more!spezify is another website you can click on and find yourself at! another website were you can see a visual representation of your online identity. these site's can help u protect your online identity, and see what digital footprint you've left.

    my opinion on this topic is that i definitely want to leave a positive impression on the Internet just in case my employer looks me up, i also think  that being safe and looking out for all of your personal info is very important, because safety is important, especially online. my concerns on this topic are that someone could post a pic of my without my knowledge and it would become part of my digital tattoo.

    blogging video

    i found the following video on YouTube about blogging helpful. in this video there are three helpful  comments from successful blogger's. watch my video and find out some awesome tips on becoming a success full blogger.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    web 2.0 class

    My first week in web 2.0 class at Truckee high was interesting. on the  first day we learned how web 2.0 is all about networking and an interactive Internet class. we also learned how to set up an iGoogle page, an i google page has so many apps! Its almost unreal, thousands of apps that can be added to a page were you can  multi-task in seconds. Mr. H showed our class a google group to communicate with other classes about what web 2.0 is about, and all the tricks you can do. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge on the always changing Internet world!
    Truckee high stadium
                          Web 2.0 !